Pointers in nutshell πŸ‘†πŸ‘†πŸ‘† TA-DA!!!! Now you get pointers! πŸ˜‚ Seriously though, it’s that easy. I remember the first time I was introduced to pointers they seemed so mystical and hard to understand, but trust me when you get it, you get it.

Let’s Go 😹 get it then! A pointer points to πŸ‘‰ something. There are thousands of pointers that point to you. Are you on social media (IG πŸ“· FB πŸ“– TW 🐦 TT 🎡 πŸ”—in, SnapπŸ‘»)? That’s a pointer.They point to you πŸ‘ˆ. Driver’s license number? Student ID? Debit card? Bank routing number? YouTube account? Your physical home address? Yup, all pointers. All of these things can get to the true value of you, indirectly. They are not you but they point πŸ‘‰ to you.


Let’s make our directory pointer and the files we want inside of that directory example_test.go pointer.go

mkdir pointer
touch pointer/example_test.go pointer/pointer.go

Now let’s open up pointer.go and for the very first line we’ll add

package pointer

Next for example_test.go for the very first line we’ll add

package pointer_test

We can import basics/pointer into cmd/main.go and run functions from there with go run cmd/main.go and also to run our example_test.go πŸ‘ we use go test pointer/example_test.go in the commandline.

Pass By Value

Pass by value is what we usually do in many other programming languages. The topic can be a little tricky to talk about 🀑 so I need to define what I mean by pass by value which is: pass a copy of the entire thing.

If you’re coming from many other languages you’ve probably never touched pointers. From the 10+ languages I’ve used the only languages that don’t hide pointers from you are c, c++, rust and go. Though that is by no means a complete list πŸ˜… This is only from my experience.

Whether a language (python, java, js) hides pointers from you or not, they are still there. If you code in a language that doesn’t have pointers, it’s just because the language doesn’t support it, not that they are not there. I can guarantee that when your code is compiled in any language there are pointers πŸ‘†πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‰πŸ‘ˆ under the hood πŸš— So learning pointers will help you grow as a developer not just in Go. Good fundamentals make you a master at your craft.

Pointers are everywhere. Which is why I needed to define what I mean by pass by value, for example in java they claim everything is pass by value which if you know the language everything is a bloated Object and would make all of your methods really 😬 πŸ’ΈπŸ’Έ expensive πŸ’ΈπŸ’Έ 😒 and slow 🐌, but the way java defines pass by value is pass a copy of anything. And what it’s passing is a pointer. That pointer πŸ‘ˆ is copied into the method, which is very cheap and fast 🌩️ It’s cheap and fast because it’s just a number, an address, more on that later.

In languages that don’t support pointers, it’s a moot point 😹 to bring up “Pass by value πŸ†š Pass by reference” because, well, you don’t care! It get’s into the function/method/procedure in any case and you just do your business with it all the same. It’s usually collection types people get tripped up on, which we’ll go over πŸ‘‡ down below . See what I did there? I made a pointer to another topic πŸ˜‚

Coding Time!



// PassByValue passes an int by value. When an integer is passed by value it is
// copied into the function meaning whatever we do to this `intValue` it will
// never change the original because it's a copy.
func PassByValue(intVal int) {
	intVal = 100
	fmt.Println("intVal in function:", intVal)


func ExamplePassByValue() {
	intVal := 8
	fmt.Println("intVal after passing value:", intVal)
	// Output:
	// intVal in function: 100
	// intVal after passing value: 8

Pass By Reference (Pointer)

Now we are going to pass in a pointer to our function, this is commonly referred to as “pass by reference”, because it’s not the actual value, it’s a reference to it, it points πŸ‘‰ to the value. To talk to your friend you have to have them right there in front of you, right? Of course not ❗ You can call πŸ“± them. You indirectly get in contact with them through some number 555-382-9109

Now we understand what a pointer is but not what it is in programming. A pointer is actually a lot simpler than real life, because it’s only ever one thing. A pointer is only an address. Exactly like your physical home address 🏑 if you were the value. If we go in the direction we’re πŸ‘‰ pointed to we’ll reach the source and we can then change the value. A friend comes over 🚢 to your house and changes your mood from bored πŸ₯± to happy πŸ˜„

Coding Time!



// PassByReference passes a pointer to the function. This value is an address,
// like your street address. If we derefence it `*intPointer` we can change the
// original value it was pointing to.
func PassByReference(intPointer *int) {
	*intPointer = 100
	// We can't check address in test because it's different every time the
	// program starts again.
	// fmt.Println("intPointer in function:", intPointer) <-- Check address
	fmt.Println("intVal in function:", *intPointer)


func ExamplePassByReference() {
	intVal := 8
	intPtr := &intVal
	// pointer.PassByReference(&intVal) <-- Also works!
	fmt.Println("intVal after derefence:", intVal)
	// Output:
	// intVal in function: 100
	// intVal after derefence: 100

More Pass By Reference (Pointer)

So we’ve seen that this works with one of the basic/builtin/primitive types, int, but what about the other types we learned about way back in lesson one . It should come to no surprise that, they do work with pointers.

It really can’t be stated enough. A pointer is an address. It’s a really funny looking address, but it’s not for you to walk 🚢 to, it’s for the program to walk to and it can read the address just fine. It may help to expose us to some of these addresses, just so they aren’t so arcane πŸ§™ and magical πŸͺ„

Coding Time!


With the fmt package we’ve been using for so long there is a way to get the address (aka the pointer) to any value with the formatting directive %p, so remember p for pointer! Or if you already have a pointer you can use fmt.Println(myPtr) and you can see the address too!


// PassMoreByReferences shows you that you can pass all of the other primitive
// data types and derefence '*' them and change their values.
func PassMoreByReferences(sPtr *string, bPtr *bool, rPtr *rune, fPtr *float64) {
	// Uncomment and `go test` to see what these values are before you
	// dereference them and change the values at their locations.
	// fmt.Printf("string: %p\nbool: %p\nrune: %p\nfloat: %p\n",
	// 	sPtr, bPtr, rPtr, fPtr)
	// fmt.Println("addresses:", sPtr, bPtr, rPtr, fPtr)
	*sPtr = "Dereferenced and changed"
	*bPtr = true
	*rPtr = '🀑'
	*fPtr = 3.14159

When I uncommented the above ☝️ print statements I got a failing example πŸ˜‚ and these values.

string: 0xc0001a4000
bool: 0xc00018c015
rune: 0xc00018c018
float: 0xc00018c020
addresses: 0xc0001a4000 0xc00018c015 0xc00018c018 0xc00018c020

As you can see they are all in hexadecimal representation, but more importantly, it’s a number. If someone lives on a street in a house 🏑 They must have leading digits to the exact location Something like 1234 Square Road. The address 0xc0001a4000 is the same as 1234 It’s where I go if I want to find the string’s actual value.


func ExamplePassMoreByReferences() {
	s := "This is going to change"
	b := false
	r := 'πŸ”₯'
	f := 2.139284094893
	fmt.Printf(`Before changing values:
string value: %q
bool value: %t
rune as emoji value: %s
float value: %f

`, s, b, string(r), f)

	pointer.PassMoreByReferences(&s, &b, &r, &f)
	fmt.Printf(`After changing values:
string value: %q
bool value: %t
rune as emoji value: %s
float value: %f

`, s, b, string(r), f)
	// Output:
	// Before changing values:
	// string value: "This is going to change"
	// bool value: false
	// rune as emoji value: πŸ”₯
	// float value: 2.139284
	// After changing values:
	// string value: "Dereferenced and changed"
	// bool value: true
	// rune as emoji value: 🀑
	// float value: 3.141590

Pass By Reference (Pointer) In Depth

I hope you’re enjoying your first encounter with Pointers 😁 BUT WAIT! That’s a lie! πŸ‘Ί We’ve been using pointers for awhile now before this lesson with slices and maps Now you may be thinking

πŸ€” I didn’t see any funny looking operators like the address & operator and the pointer indirection * operator in those lessons.

And you’d be right, but a loooooooooooong time ago back in the pre-historic era πŸ¦• when programming first started the [] operator was made as syntactic sugar 🍬 for the pointer indirection * operator. This means every time you’ve ever done and will do mySlice[5] = 20 you’re actually dealing with pointers, we can’t do it in Go as pointer arithmetic is not allowed, but here’s what we’re doing in c

int *mySlice = calloc(8,  sizeof(int));
mySlice += 5;
*mySlice = 20;
mySlice -= 5;

As you can see it’s more involved to move through your array, wouldn’t it just be nice to have a way to access the fifth index? Oh! There is πŸ™‚

int mySlice[8];
mySlice[5] = 20;

So we can thank πŸ™ the [] operator made a long time ago that we don’t have to go through so much trouble and overhead of remembering where we are and doing math to get to it 😬. Maps also got the [] operator as well and maps are also pointers that can be dereferenced.

There is more detail about slices we could go into, but it’d be getting a little too deep. I feel like I’ve already stretched our minds 🧠 enough with the quick history lesson. If you are interested there is an amazing explanation by Rob Pike on The Go Blog

Coding Time!



type ChangeThings struct {
	Int  int
	Str  string
	Rune rune

// PassCollections shows what happens when we try to dereference slices, maps,
// and structs. Structs are special in that they are NOT a pointer like slices
// and maps and therefore need to have a pointer passed in if we want to change
// their inner values.
func PassCollections(slice []string, mp map[string]rune, ctCopy ChangeThings,
	ctPtr *ChangeThings) {

	// With fmt.Printf("%p, %p, %p, %p", slice, mp, ctCopy, ctPtr) you can see
	// the address of all of the arguments, we don't do it here because every
	// time the function executes the address will change! 🀯 and therefore the
	// test would, Never! pass.
	for i := range slice {
		if i == 0 {
			slice[i] = "Dereferenced by `[]` operator. It acts just like `*` operator"
		} else {
			slice[i] = fmt.Sprintf("me %d", i+1)
	for k, v := range mp {
		mp[k] = v % 7 // Dereferenced again with `[]` operator
	ctCopy.Int = 0xF4B1E
	ctCopy.Str = "Changing a copies value doesn't work on the original."
	ctCopy.Rune = '🌞'
	ctPtr.Int = 0xF4B1E
	ctPtr.Str = "Dereferenced with the `.` operator, like `*` and `[]`."
	ctPtr.Rune = '🌞'
	// These lines do nothing, as the function makes a copy of everything it
	// receives. What we really wanted was to release the original collection
	// types to garbage collection. That must be done where it is instantiated.
	// Not when it is passed to a function as a copy.
	slice = nil
	mp = nil
	ctPtr = nil
	// NOTE(jay): won't work
	// ctCopy = nil
	// This makes it more obvious that we have don't have a pointer. A pointer
	// can always be set to nil. We set it to a zero valued ChangeThings struct.
	ctCopy = ChangeThings{}


func ExamplePassCollections() {
	sl := []string{"Look", "at", "all", "my", "values"}
	mp := map[string]rune{
		"boxing":     'πŸ₯Š',
		"chestnut":   '🌰',
		"ocean":      '🌊',
		"heart-eyes": '😍',
		"microphone": '🎀',
		"hibiscus":   '🌺',
	asCopy := pointer.ChangeThings{
		Int:  777,
		Str:  "Will I change?",
		Rune: 'πŸŒ”',
	asCopy2 := pointer.ChangeThings{
		Int:  777,
		Str:  "Will I change?",
		Rune: 'πŸŒ”',
	asPtr := &asCopy2
	fmt.Printf(`Before changing values:
slice value: %#v
map value: %#v
copy of struct value: %#v
pointer to struct value: %#v
copy2 of struct value: %#v

`, sl, mp, asCopy, asPtr, asCopy2)

	pointer.PassCollections(sl, mp, asCopy, asPtr)
	fmt.Printf(`After changing values:
slice value: %#v
map value: %#v
copy of struct value: %#v
pointer to struct value: %#v
copy2 of struct value: %#v

`, sl, mp, asCopy, asPtr, asCopy2)

	sl = nil
	mp = nil
	asPtr = nil
	asCopy = pointer.ChangeThings{}
	asCopy2 = pointer.ChangeThings{}
	fmt.Printf(`Actually remove all elements from collection types:
pointer: %#v
pointer: %#v
pointer: %#v
literal: %#v
literal: %#v
`, sl, mp, asPtr, asCopy, asCopy2)
	// Output:
	// Before changing values:
	// slice value: []string{"Look", "at", "all", "my", "values"}
	// map value: map[string]int32{"boxing":129354, "chestnut":127792, "heart-eyes":128525, "hibiscus":127802, "microphone":127908, "ocean":127754}
	// copy of struct value: pointer.ChangeThings{Int:777, Str:"Will I change?", Rune:127764}
	// pointer to struct value: &pointer.ChangeThings{Int:777, Str:"Will I change?", Rune:127764}
	// copy2 of struct value: pointer.ChangeThings{Int:777, Str:"Will I change?", Rune:127764}
	// After changing values:
	// slice value: []string{"Dereferenced by `[]` operator. It acts just like `*` operator", "me 2", "me 3", "me 4", "me 5"}
	// map value: map[string]int32{"boxing":1, "chestnut":0, "heart-eyes":5, "hibiscus":3, "microphone":4, "ocean":4}
	// copy of struct value: pointer.ChangeThings{Int:777, Str:"Will I change?", Rune:127764}
	// pointer to struct value: &pointer.ChangeThings{Int:1002270, Str:"Dereferenced with the `.` operator, like `*` and `[]`.", Rune:127774}
	// copy2 of struct value: pointer.ChangeThings{Int:1002270, Str:"Dereferenced with the `.` operator, like `*` and `[]`.", Rune:127774}
	// Actually remove all elements from collection types:
	// pointer: []string(nil)
	// pointer: map[string]int32(nil)
	// pointer: (*pointer.ChangeThings)(nil)
	// literal: pointer.ChangeThings{Int:0, Str:"", Rune:0}
	// literal: pointer.ChangeThings{Int:0, Str:"", Rune:0}

Source File πŸ“„

The Source File

Test File πŸ“

The Test File