Constants are variables that cannot be changed.

If you have taken any math or physics classes you’ve probably used a constant before. Pi πŸ₯§ Ο€ is a constant and the speed of light πŸ”¦ c is a constant.

Here’s a quick overview of why we love ❀️ constants as developers:

  1. Readability πŸ“– – Removes magic numbers from code
  2. Flexibility 🧘 – untyped constants
  3. Safety 🦺 – Never changes and can be used everywhere!
  4. Speed πŸƒβ€οΈπŸ’¨ – The compiler can optimize for us πŸ‘
  5. High Precision 🎯 – We can make BIG πŸ‘€ numbers

Many times in programming we use numbers to do things for us. For example, we might want a default formatted string for our fmt.Printf functions or logging. You might have a limit to a resource, like the number of goroutines or the number of connections to a database. A constant is perfect for these situations!


Let’s make our directory constant and the files we want inside of that directory example_test.go constant.go

mkdir constant
touch constant/example_test.go constant/constant.go

Now let’s open up constant.go and for the very first line we’ll add

package constant

Next for example_test.go for the very first line we’ll add

package constant_test

We can import basics/constant into cmd/main.go and run functions from there with go run cmd/main.go and also to run our example_test.go πŸ‘ we use go test constant/example_test.go in the commandline.

Magic Numbers πŸ™…

We as developers we are modern day πŸ§™β€β™€οΈ mages πŸ§™β€β™‚οΈ We can do lots of things that normal mortals can’t and it’s because of our profound knowledge of the 🦾 technological 🦿 arts. Grokking – understanding something deeply through intuition – is an ability we have. One thing that we can’t stand is unexplained magic 😠 and there’s nothing worse than magic numbers to make it hard to grok code 😒 Let’s look at two examples and you tell me which one is easier to grok.

func calculateCost(food []int) int {
  sum := 0
  if food[0] == 3 {
    sum += 4.49
  } else {
    sum += 2.59
  if food[1] == 'c' {
    sum +=  2.89
  } else if food[1] == 'm' {
    sum += 4.39
  if food[2] == 12 {
    sum += 2.79
  } else {
    sum += 4.59
  return sum
func calculateCost(food []int) int {
  sum := 0
  if food[0] == wholeWheatBread {
    sum += wholeWheatPrice
  } else {
    sum += whitePrice
  if food[1] == sharpCheddar {
    sum +=  sharpCheddarPrice
  } else if food[1] == mozzarella {
    sum += mozzarellaPrice
  if food[2] == dozenEggs {
    sum += dozenEggsPrice
  } else {
    sum += eighteenEggsPrice
  return sum

This πŸ‘†πŸ‘†πŸ‘† is an extreme example but it should now be clear just how much confusion magic numbers can bring. We make magic, not our numbers.

Allowable Constants

Constants are super useful and seen throughout many codebases. In Go you’re only allowed to declare certain types as constant. Types that can be guaranteed to not change, can be constant. Many of these values are known as primitive types. int, rune (aka int32), byte (aka uint8) float, bool. The only exception is a string which can also be declared as constant! This can be confusing if you knew string is basically a mutable data structure, a slice of bytes []byte 😯

Let’s expand a little on why a string is an exception. We need to understand that just like byte is an alias for uint8 (unsigned integer with 8 slots), string is an alias for []byte or what’s known as a slice of bytes. We haven’t gotten into slices yet, but just know they can change. In programming when something can change it’s called mutable. I’ll say it again – slices are mutable, slices can change. Constants cannot change and are immutable.

Now the question! πŸ€” How is a mutable slice of bytes []byte able to be declared as an immutable value const? Well… I lied πŸ™ƒ though a string is basically a slice of bytes []byte it holds a little more extra information than what a normal slice holds and guarantees that each byte (the letters and characters) in a string cannot be changed. Therefore the slice cannot be changed and the values inside, the bytes, cannot either. This guarantees string to be immutable.

This may come as a surprise if you’ve tried to change a string, because you’re allowed to do this: var twoStrings = "string1" + "string2" and it will come out as string1string2 if you fmt.Println(twoStrings)

The reason it works is because an entirely new❗ string is being made in it’s place. Done out of convenience, expectations, or legacy – it is what it is. Just know when you add βž• to a string you’re making an entirely new string and that’s expensive πŸ’°πŸ’°πŸ’° in programming. Imagine every time you put your socks 🧦 in a drawer that you had to find another, bigger drawer for each pair you put in; lots of time πŸ•— wasted, lots of resources wasted. When dealing with creating and appending long running strings you can use strings.StringBuilder πŸ‘· and write various kinds of types to it!

Coding Time!


// Stuck is an untyped string
const Stuck = "This variable can never be reassigned."

// Stuck = "This won't work, Stuck is constant!"
// NOTE(jay): cannot assign to Stuck (untyped string constant "This variable can
// never be reassigned.")

// HeartEyes is an untyped rune
const HeartEyes = '😍'

// Arithmetic is an untyped float
const Arithmetic = 600 / 3.421

// AlwaysTrue is an untyped bool
const AlwaysTrue = true

// MaxByteValue is a constant byte value. To let the compiler know we wanted a
// byte instead of an int, we can specifically tell it we want that value.
const MaxByteValue byte = 255

// Create a grouping of const values, not needed to type the `const` keyword
// over and over again. This also works for `var`!
const (
	IsConst                   = true
	IsInGrouping              = true
	OneAndQuarterAsUntypedInt = 5 / 4

// However you **cannot** declare arrays, slices, maps, or structs constant.
// NOTE(jay): (value of type [2]string) is not constant
// const myArray = [2]string{"won't", "work"}
// const mySlice = []string{"still", "doesn't", "work"}
// const myMap = map[string]int{}
// const me = struct{ name string }{name: "Jay"}


func ExampleStuck() {
	// Output:
	// This variable can never be reassigned.

func ExampleHeartEyes() {
	// We can convert constants just like variables
	// Output:
	// 😍

func ExampleArithmetic() {
	// Output:
	// 175.38731365097925

func ExampleAlwaysTrue() {
	// Output:
	// true

Speed πŸ’¨ and Precision 🎯

We can make some big numbers with const and I mean really πŸ…±IG. This is the only time that we are allowed to declare numbers past the unsigned max integer of 64 bits value. πŸ‘€ That’s a mouthful, but if you wanted to see that number in the console in cmd/main.go you can put the line fmt.Println(uint64(math.MaxUint64)) that will show you the biggest possible number representable for unsigned integers.

But… We can go BIGGER 😲

Coding Time!


const piThousand = 3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375105820974944592307816406286208998628034825342117067982148086513282306647093844609550582231725359408128481117450284102701938521105559644622948954930381964428810975665933446128475648233786783165271201909145648566923460348610454326648213393607260249141273724587006606315588174881520920962829254091715364367892590360011330530548820466521384146951941511609433057270365759591953092186117381932611793105118548074462379962749567351885752724891227938183011949129833673362440656643086021394946395224737190702179860943702770539217176293176752384674818467669405132000568127145263560827785771342757789609173637178721468440901224953430146549585371050792279689258923542019956112129021960864034418159813629774771309960518707211349999998372978049951059731732816096318595024459455346908302642522308253344685035261931188171010003137838752886587533208381420617177669147303598253490428755468731159562863882353787593751957781857780532171226806613001927876611195909216420198

// BigPreciseConstants shows that the compiler won't complain if you make a
// value that goes for 1000s of digits if it's a constant. Just when it comes
// time to use that constant it must be casted to a type, such as float64.
func BigPreciseConstants() { fmt.Printf("%.64f", float64(piThousand)) }


func ExampleBigPreciseConstants() {
	// Output:
	// 3.1415926535897931159979634685441851615905761718750000000000000000

Untyped Constants

Everything in Go has a type, unless it’s a constant. Why is this important and what does it mean? Sometimes we want to put certain values into a function but Go needs us to convert it to a specific type. Wouldn’t it just be nice if we didn’t have to do that small conversion? Constants actually allow this!

Enums in Go are const values and therefore have underlying types that can be converted.

Coding Time!


// UntypedConst shows that constants can have values that will be automatically
// converted to the necessary type that the function needs at runtime.
func UntypedConst() {
	// const values do not have a type and therefore are very useful when you
	// don't want to have to do explicit casting.
	const untyped = 42
	// We don't care what this function does, we only care what it looks like
	// math.IsInf(float64, int)
	fmt.Println(math.IsInf(untyped, untyped))
	// If we try this with typed int we have to cast it.
	var typed int = 42 // or typed := 42
	fmt.Println(math.IsInf(float64(typed), typed))


func ExampleUntypedConst() {
	// Output:
	// false
	// false

This may still be a little confusing as I’ve pulled in something from the standard library, that we’re not familiar with yet and it’s math 😬 So let’s do one more! This time we’ll make our own type πŸ˜„


const UntypedString = "I fit wherever the underlying type of something is a string!"

// myString has an underlying type of `string` **but** it's `type` is myString
type myString string

// Print takes in a myString type and prints it to standard out.
func Print(s myString) { fmt.Println(s) }


func ExamplePrint() {
	// Output:
	// I fit wherever the underlying type of something is a string!

Source File πŸ“„

The Source File

Test File πŸ“

The Test File