Types are the building πŸ‘· blocks 🧱 of all applications. They are like the words in the English language.

We use words πŸ’¬ to make sentences and sentences to make paragraphs πŸ“„

We use types ✨ to declare variables and variables to make functions 🦾


Let’s make our directory types and the files we want inside of that directory example_test.go types.go

mkdir types
touch types/example_test.go types/types.go

Now let’s open up types.go and for the very first line we’ll add

package types

Next for example_test.go for the very first line we’ll add

package types_test

We can import basics/types into cmd/main.go and run functions from there with go run cmd/main.go and also to run our example_test.go πŸ‘ we use go test types/example_test.go in the commandline.



A bool is a way for us to control the flow of our application. You can think of bool as a forked road. You are given two choices – go left ⬅️ or go right ➑️ That is all it can do, but don’t let that fool you, it’s a very powerful type that is seen everywhere; bool is most useful when you want to execute a piece of code only when a certain criteria is met.


Let’s say you write a program that will greet people, but you want it to greet someone special πŸ˜‰ with a personal message. How could you do that? You would check if the person has that special person’s name and if it did, fmt.Println a special message for them! 😘 if (name == specialSomeone) { ... }

Coding Time



// Bool shows us the type bool which is short for boolean. A bool is either
// true or false.
func Bool() {
	fmt.Println("true || false = true. false is a bool Type")
	fmt.Printf("%t || %t = %t. %t is a %T Type",
		true, false, true || false, false, false)


func ExampleBool() {
	// Output:
	// true || false = true. false is a bool Type
	// true || false = true. false is a bool Type



A string 🧢 is named as such because it’s a string of letters. In computer speak, there is no such thing as letters or characters, it’s all numbers! 🀯 So we need to tell the computer that we want all of these numbers (represented as letters or characters) to be stringed together. You may have heard the term “string of text” πŸ“ as well, same thing.

To give a visual example, the word “example” is a string of the letters e-x-a-m-p-l-e

It is also good to know when writing code in Go a string must have quotation marks around it. "Gopher" is a string, but Gopher is a variable.


string is used every time you want to write something … Which is a lot of the time. πŸ˜‚ It would be very hard to program without them.

Coding Time



// String shows us how to make a sequence of characters (or runes in Go) in a
// row, surrounded by double quote marks "".
func String() {
	fmt.Println("go", "+", "gopher", "=", `"gogopher"`, "and is of Type string")
	fmt.Printf("%s + %s = %q and is of Type %T",
		"go", "gopher", "go"+"gopher", "")


func ExampleString() {
	// Output:
	// gopher + go = "gophergo" and is of Type string
	// gopher + go = "gophergo" and is of Type string



A rune is the letters or characters of a string. If you come from another programming language you may have heard of the char type. They are similar, but a rune can occupy all letters and characters of the entire world 🌏. The char type found in other languages, is restricted to the Extended ASCII Table which only has 256 values. This is known in Go as a byte, in other words char and byte are the same thing or in programming: char == byte

For example 'a' is a rune and a byte, but '第' is only a rune. A rune must be surrounded by single quotation marks. 'X' is a rune, "X" is a string and X is a variable.


Anytime you’re dealing with the letters in a string you’re dealing with a rune or a byte and in programming we deal with lots of string types, so getting comfortable with rune will get you comfortable with manipulating string types. Runes will be covered extensively in the lesson on runes .

Coding Time



// Rune shows us how to represent and manipulate each value in a string.
func Rune() {
	fmt.Println("'k' is an int32 Type. When strings are built, they use rune" +
			"values. Another way to say rune is int32, they mean the same thing!\n" +
			"'k' is actually 107")
		fmt.Printf("'%s' is an %T Type. When strings are built, they use rune"+
				"values. Another way to say rune is int32, they mean the same thing!\n'%s'"+
				"is actually %d", string('k'), 'k', string('k'), 'k')


func ExampleRune() {
	// Output:
	// 'k' is an int32 Type. When strings are built, they use rune values.
	// Another way to say rune is int32, they mean the same thing!
	// 'k' is actually 107
	// 'k' is an int32 Type. When strings are built, they use rune values.
	// Another way to say rune is int32, they mean the same thing!
	// 'k' is actually 107



An int is an integer or what we would think of as a regular number. All of these are of type int:

  • -1
  • -2,000
  • 2,000
  • 1
  • 0
  • 895,059
  • -1,234,567,890
  • 9,876,543,210

It does need to be said there are different sizes of the int type. That means depending on which int you use, there is a limit to how high or how low you can go. For example, if you use int32 it means you can go from -2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647 if you go out of bounds, you’ll find yourself in trouble! πŸ€• Though you’re safe in most cases when you just use int, so don’t worry about it for now. We’ll cover it later; just know it exists.


Many times you need to manipulate numbers in programming, whether that be for the amount of seconds you want to wait time.Sleep(1 * time.Second) or if you want to give something a name, without much overhead (This is known as an enum) you can give it an int type with a good descriptive name; doing math, grabbing an index, etc., there are many reasons to use the int type.

Coding Time



// Int short for integer shows us how to use the int type in Go. We can also do
// arithmetic like we would expect.
func Int() {
	// NOTE(jay): When we have big numbers we can separate them with an
	// underscore `_` like we do with comma `,` or period `.`
	// So 1,234 or 1.234 becomes 1_234 in Go
	fmt.Println("1234567 + 2 =", 1_234_567+2, "and is of Type int")
	fmt.Printf("%d + %d = %d and is of Type %T", 1_234_567, 2, 1_234_567+2, 0)


func ExampleInt() {
	// Output:
	// 1234567 + 2 = 1234569 and is of Type int
	// 1234567 + 2 = 1234569 and is of Type int



float is short for decimal floating point. Which is a mouthful πŸ‘€ So it’s a good thing we just call it float. A float is just like an int except that there is a point . somewhere that will give it precision. For example all of these are of type float:

  • 123,456.78
  • -8,765.43
  • 123.00
  • 1.2345678
  • 1,234,567.8
  • -0.000012345678
  • 0.0
  • 12,345,678,000,000,000.1

And also I pointed out before that there are different types of int, the same goes with float. There is float32 and float64, all you really need to know is float64 can hold bigger numbers than float32 and leave it at that for now.


When you’re looking for more precision than what an int will give you, like with data science or number crunching or dollar amounts, distances, etc., then you’ll want to use a float.

Coding Time



// Float short for floating point number shows how to represent numbers with
// decimal values in Go.
func Float() {
	// NOTE(jay): When we have big floating point numbers we can separate them
	// with an underscore `_` like we do with comma `,` or period `.`
	// For example 980,222.0123 or 980.222,0123 becomes 980_222.012_3
	fmt.Println("1_234.567_890_1 + 4.56 =", 1_234.567_890_1+4.56,
		"and is of Type float64")
	fmt.Printf("%.7f + %.2f = %.7f and is of Type %T",
		1_234.567_890_1, 4.56, 1_234.567_890_1+4.56, 0.0)


func ExampleFloat() {
	// Output:
	// 1_234.567_890_1 + 4.56 = 1239.1278901 and is of Type float64
	// 1234.5678901 + 4.56 = 1239.1278901 and is of Type float64



A complex number is a number which comprises of a real and an imaginary part.

I’ll be honest and say I don’t use these at all πŸ˜… but they are here for completeness and if you had a need to deal with complex numbers, then Go has them for you! 😁 πŸ‘

And for a final note on different types, there is a smaller complex64 and a bigger complex128.


According to some article I just DDG’d (DuckDuckGo) πŸ¦†πŸ¦†πŸƒπŸ’¨ complex numbers are used for

electricity, quadratic equations, signal processing in cellular technology, wireless technologies, as well as radar and biology.

Neat πŸ™‚

Coding Time



At the top of the file we need to import math/cmplex as this will make dealing with complex numbers feasible.

import (
// πŸ‘† This needs to be at very top of file
// Other functions are here...
// πŸ‘‡ This should be at very bottom of file

// Complex shows how to use complex numbers in Go... If you would ever need
// them Β―\_(ツ)_/Β―
func Complex() {
	fmt.Println("(2.94-2.31i) + (1.43+2.65i) = (4.37+0.341i)" +
		" and is of Type complex128")
	fmt.Printf("%.3g + %.3g = %.3g and is of Type %T",
		cmplx.Acos(-5+1i), cmplx.Acos(1+-7i), cmplx.Acos(-5+1i)+cmplx.Acos(1+-7i),

Source File πŸ“„

The Source File

Test File πŸ“

The Test File